Limitoo News

Two children found after going missing in Southland bush

Forests and mountains surrounding North Mavora Lake at sunset on a cloudy day.
Forests and mountains surrounding North Mavora Lake. Photo: 123RF / Will Dale

Search teams have found two children who went missing after going for a bush walk in Southland on Saturday afternoon.

Police said they received a report about 5.15pm that an 8-year-old boy and an 11-year-old girl had not returned after going for a bush walk from the campground at the northern end of Mavora Lakes Road at 2.30pm.

About 10am on Sunday, searchers found the two children 1.5km from the campground in a clearing near the lake.

They have been taken to the Search and Rescue base and are being assessed by medical staff.

Teams searched through the night and a further 30 searchers were deployed at first light on Sunday.

A helicopter was brought in to assist the search along with police personnel, search dogs, and volunteers from Land Search and Rescue and Amateur Radio Emergency Communications.

Police thanked everyone who was involved in the search, including volunteers who travelled from around the Southern region to join the search.
